Historically speaking, history is made up of ordinary people doing ordinary things. Many of the most memorable historical figures of the civil rights movement found themselves cast into the spotlight for living their normal everyday life, doing what they believed to be right. Their actions, disrupted the status quo and forced people to recognize injustices that they may otherwise choose to overlook. Hindsight has demonstrated over the years that being on the right side of history can be a lonely and sometimes dangerous place.
One example that comes to mind is a now famous photo (above) believed to be taken in 1936 in Hamburg Germany. The photo depicts a group of workers demonstrating their allegiance to Hitler and the Nazi movement. The masses were united, except for one. He too up until that day had been a member of the Nazi Party. But on this day this one man, later identified as August Landmesser had seen enough. Although he was Aryan, he was in love with a Jewish woman and had experienced firsthand the lies and terrors the Nazi’s had inflicted on the Jews. This one man decided on that day, in that moment, he would stand for his own beliefs and his right to love and marry who he wanted. Instead of saluting the Reich, the photo shows him standing in opposition with his arms folded resolutely across his chest. In that moment, he was not trying to make history, he couldn’t have known that in a sea of hundreds his actions would even be noticed. He knew the risks associated with his refusal but his belief in what was right was stronger than his fear. He certainly had no way of predicting that he would be immortalized in history. This example of one man, going against the grain and defying the opinions of the masses. His defiance in that moment, captured forever, cost him dearly. Yet years later we can look back at that moment and say HE DID THE RIGHT THING. Now, not to say that everyone is out to “make history” per se, in fact, just the opposite. Many of the individuals that you see making a difference in the world go about their work, pursue their dreams, and support of their beliefs without seeking notoriety or recognition. They just try to DO THE RIGHT THING. Standing up for diversity, equity, and inclusivity for everyone is that type of work. It is THE RIGHT THING. It may require you to go against the grain. It may cost you some friends. You may even lose some relationships. The question to ask yourself…. “Is doing THE RIGHT THING and living on the right side of history worth it?” Only you know the answer to that. If your answer is YES, we have the training, resources, and solutions to help you develop your action plan. For more information on how Moreland Training & Associates can assist you in your endeavors to do the RIGHT THING in your organization contact us at [email protected] and speak to an associate. To stay connected to the latest video messages about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Solutions subscribe and follow us on YOUTUBE.
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