Greatness Lives Within You
Dr. Will Moreland has travelled and taught in over 52 countries, he has been an Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Educator. Throughout his travels the one consistent observation he made was the importance of education and the impact that teachers, schools, mentors, and volunteers can have on a child's belief in themselves and their ability to step into their greatness. We are committed to doing our part to ensure that every child we speak to leaves believing in their greatness and inspired to discover it for themselves.

As a young man growing up in Compton, CA I learned a number of difficult lessons. Some lessons came from family, some from my friends, and some from the streets. Most of what I was taught was about survival. How to live and survive in the hood. Sadly, most of the advice I was given would have landed me in jail or the cemetery. Fortunately, a few things happened that altered my course.
One was from my Grandmother, she was my everything and she loved me unconditionally and believed that I had greatness within me. She believed in my greatness long before I ever discovered it for myself.
The second was my 12th grade teacher, Mrs. Furlow. Like my grandmother she also saw greatness in me and reminded me of that every chance she got.
Slowly I started to believe maybe I could survive the streets and become something more. It was around that time that I met Staff Sergeant Cory Oliver. He told me that he saw something in me, and that he thought I had what it takes to be a Soldier. It was the first time I could visualize a life outside of the hood. That was the day I joined the United States Army. Even then, I wanted out of the hood more than I wanted to be great. The Army was the best choice I ever made. It took me awhile but that is where I finally learned to step boldly, and confidently into my GREATNESS. It was the slow drip of those around me affirming, and re-affirming that I had greatness in me, I just had to step into it.
This tour is my opportunity to be that voice that for the next generation of great leaders. I don't want them to have to wait like I did. I want them to see, believe, and step into their greatness now. ~Dr. Will
One was from my Grandmother, she was my everything and she loved me unconditionally and believed that I had greatness within me. She believed in my greatness long before I ever discovered it for myself.
The second was my 12th grade teacher, Mrs. Furlow. Like my grandmother she also saw greatness in me and reminded me of that every chance she got.
Slowly I started to believe maybe I could survive the streets and become something more. It was around that time that I met Staff Sergeant Cory Oliver. He told me that he saw something in me, and that he thought I had what it takes to be a Soldier. It was the first time I could visualize a life outside of the hood. That was the day I joined the United States Army. Even then, I wanted out of the hood more than I wanted to be great. The Army was the best choice I ever made. It took me awhile but that is where I finally learned to step boldly, and confidently into my GREATNESS. It was the slow drip of those around me affirming, and re-affirming that I had greatness in me, I just had to step into it.
This tour is my opportunity to be that voice that for the next generation of great leaders. I don't want them to have to wait like I did. I want them to see, believe, and step into their greatness now. ~Dr. Will
Dr. Will is traveling across the country speaking to students, teachers, and administrators to share the 7 Critical SUCCESS Keys that will unlock your potential and prepare you to STEP INTO the GREATNESS that lives within you.
If you would like to schedule an all school assembly for your students or in-service training for your staff please click the link below to reach out to an associate. We will be happy to answer any questions and get you scheduled.